Tuesday, February 18, 2025



The name “chickpea” traces back through the French chiche to cicer, Latin for ‘chickpea’,chickpeas have been found in the aceramic levels,The plant grows to between 20–50 cm (8–20 inches) high and has small feathery leaves on either side of the stem. There are two main kinds of chickpea: 1.Desi, which has...

Dhal (Parippu)

Dhal also spelled “Dal” or Daal” is called “Parippu” in Tamil language. A preparation of pulses which is stripped of their outer hulls and split.An important part of Indian, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri lankan, West Indian & Bangladesh cuisine. Regularly eaten with rice &...

Avocado (Ali-gata Pera)

This fruit originates from the state of “Puebla” Mexico. An undomesticated variety of fruit is small with dark green skin and contains a seed inside.This is a climacteric fruit, which means it matures on the tree. Avocado contains a...

Banana (Kesel)

The banana plant is the largest flowering plant. Its normally tall, sturdy and oftenly mistaken for a tree. Each plant can produce only a single bunch of banana & then the tree dies. The tree does not produce anymore.South...

Mango (Amba)

Mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan & Philliphines. The normal tree grows upto 35- 40Mtrs tall. The fruit takes 3 – 6 months to ripen. Mangoes have been cultivated in south asia for thousand of years and...

Papaya (Gaslabu / Papol)

An un-branched tree, papaya grows through out the year. Months following with warm temperature or moisture causes low production.Papaya is cultivated in Sri Lanka as a home garden crop & an export item. But according to surveys there has...

Pineapple (Anansi)

Pineapple (Annasi) is one of our topical fruits.This is a sweet and sour fruit. In Sri Lanka pineapple is sold on the road sides as a snack with salt,chilli,pepper sprinkled on top, they are sold in whole or in halves. The ripe...

Snake Gourd

tropical or subtropical vine, raised for its strikingly long fruit, used as a vegetable, medicine, Formerly, the cultivated form was considered a distinct species, but it is now regarded as avariety of the wild ancestor, as they freely interbreed: The narrow, soft-skinned fruit can reach...

Banana Blossom/Flower (Kesel Muwa)

banana flower is also known as a banana blossom or heart,. My preliminary research told me that it’s an ingredient commonly used in Sri lankan and Thai cooking. It can be eaten raw or cooked, and it happens to...

Cucumber (Kakiri)

Cucumber is famous and grown in the dry zone areas such as some parts of the north in sri lanka. Hambantota is more popular for this vegetable.
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